Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Traffic Survival School and Interlock

Traffice Survival School was a one day 8 to 5 class that you have to take to get your license back. Basically just lots of 'horror' movies that luckily I was sitting far enough away from the TV that I couldn't see them too well. What was very interesting is that the majority of people in the room were first time red light runners who had been caught on camera. Apparently AZ has a very bad record of red light offenses, so in order for the Gov't to keep getting funding they had to take a harder line on red light runners, so they now require them to take TSS with the first offense. Beware.

The interlock is a real pain in the butt. To start the car you have to make a Whooooooo sound. It took me a long time to figure out how to make this just right. You have to make it whenever the beep goes off while driving and if you miss it even just one time, you have to have the interlock for an extra year. This means you can't ever let anyone else use your car or even get it washed or serviced without your being in it the whole time. If you do need to get it serviced, you need to call and schedule with the interlock people so they will have a record, in case it goes off while out of your control. Anyway, the Whooooooo I finally figured out, they are more concerned with the constant sound than a lot of breath being blow into the machine. The machine makes a buzzing sound when you are doing it right and you have to do it for about 5 seconds, which when you are doing it, feels like a long time.

It's great to be able to drive again, even with the interlock. At least now I can run errands, etc.

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